9 research outputs found


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    Logistics service providers are the key stakeholder in Indonesian logistics activities that are growing significantly and face many challenges. In this research, a case study on a logistics service provider located in the city of Yogyakarta Indonesia is evaluated. The provider is currently experiencing rapid growth indicated by increasing delivery volume and scopes. However, optimal resource management has not been able to be adequately calculated, such as inefficient courier assignment and overloaded couriers' volume. Thus, this study aims to minimize total distances through optimal zone groups under several restrictions. An optimization approach is selected in this research by initially building a mathematical model using a standard form of linear programming. Then, the mathematical model is solved to generate minimum distances. The result indicated that the total minimum distances had been reached with considerable changes in delivery zone grouping, and the couriers' capacity was optimally utilized without overloaded capacity. These zone groups can be used as a reference for further research by taking into account some restrictions such as packages fluctuations as well as adding objective to minimize couriers' traveling time


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    Manusia membutuhkan suatu pendidikan untuk mengasah keterampilan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, baik dalam dunia usaha atau pun industri. Pendidikan tersebut dapat diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal maupun non-formal. Data statistik kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) menunjukkan jumlah pendidikan non formal tahun 2018 sejumlah 433. Pendidikan non-formal melalui pendidikan ketrampilan telah menunjukkan kontribusi positif terhadap penurunan angka kemiskinan dalam pembangunan pedesaan. Smart Colleague hadir sebagai salah satu dari pendidikan non formal di Yogyakarta untuk memberikan pendukung pendidikan komputer sejak usia dini. Di tengah peluang yang menjanjikan ini belum banyak pelaku bisnis pendidikan non formal yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai sarana promosi dan informasi. Berawal dari keterbatasan pengetahuan akan teknologi informasi inilah konsep pengabdian pada masyarakat ini disusun. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini membantu Lembaga Pendidikan Non Formal dengan sampel satu mitra, yaitu Smart Colleague yang bergerak di bidang pelatihan komputer yang fokus mengembangkan edu-games, baik untuk pra-sekolah, Siswa SD, dan juga dewasa. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam jangka waktu enam bulan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada relawan dan pengajar di Smart Colleague agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk mempromosikan jasanya. Teknologi informasi yang digunakan adalah sistem informasi website

    Perbaikan Rute Distribusi Bahan Baku untuk Minimasi Jarak Tempuh dan Beban Kerja pada UKM Kuliner Mie

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    Delivery activities have a great role for a business actor. However, delivery issues are there all the time. This was experienced by a noodle culinary SME that experienced delays in the delivery of various noodle raw materials and noodle toppings which caused noodle sales activities to be disrupted. In addition, these raw materials have a lifespan (without preservatives) so they must be delivered according to a predetermined schedule and hours. This research will solve this problem by minimizing delays through finding the shortest mileage delivery route. Because each delivery location has its own schedule and time window, the Nearest Neighbor method by paying attention to the time window is used. Based on the calculation results, each distribution route with the shortest distance was obtained, as evidenced by a reduction in the middle route by 0.23 km and the northern route by 5.88 km. In addition, this proposed delivery route was able to save fuel consumption on the middle route by 3% and the northern route by 10%. In terms of the workload aspect, car fleet drivers were also reduced by 31% and motorbike fleet drivers by 47%.Aktivitas pengiriman mempunyai peran serta yang besar bagi sebuah pelaku usaha. Namun, permasalahan pengiriman selalu ada sepanjang waktu. Hal ini dialami oleh sebuah UKM kuliner mie yang mengalami keterlambatan pengiriman bahan baku mie dan topping mie yang beraneka macam yang menyebabkan aktivitas penjualan mie menjadi terganggu. Selain itu, bahan-bahan baku ini memiliki umur (tanpa pengawet) sehingga harus diantar sesuai jadwal dan jam yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian ini akan menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut dengan meminimalkan adanya keterlambatan melalui pencarian rute pengiriman dengan jarak tempuh terpendek. Oleh karena setiap lokasi pengiriman memiliki jadwal dan time window masing-masing, metode Nearest Neighbor dengan memperhatikan time window pun digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, didapat masing-masing rute distribusi dengan jarak terpendek yang dibuktikan dengan pengurangan rute tengah sebesar 0,23 km dan rute utara sebesar 5.88 km. Selain itu, rute pengiriman usulan ini mampu menghemat konsumsi bahan bakar pada rute tengah sebesar 3% dan rute utara sebesar 10%. Ditinjau dari aspek beban kerja pengemudi armada mobil pun juga berkurang sebesar 31% dan pengemudi armada motor sebesar 47%

    Improvement of Raw Material Distribution Routes for Minimization of Mileage and Workload in Noodle Culinary SMEs

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    Delivery activities have a great role for a business actor. However, delivery issues are there all the time. This was experienced by a noodle culinary SME that experienced delays in the delivery of various noodle raw materials and noodle toppings which caused noodle sales activities to be disrupted. In addition, these raw materials have a lifespan (without preservatives) so they must be delivered according to a predetermined schedule and hours. This research will solve this problem by minimizing delays through finding the shortest mileage delivery route. Because each delivery location has its own schedule and time window, the Nearest Neighbor method by paying attention to the time window is used. Based on the calculation results, each distribution route with the shortest distance was obtained, as evidenced by a reduction in the middle route by 0.23 km and the northern route by 5.88 km. In addition, this proposed delivery route was able to save fuel consumption on the middle route by 3% and the northern route by 10%. In terms of the workload aspect, car fleet drivers were also reduced by 31% and motorbike fleet drivers by 47%

    Optimizing inventory policy to mitigate stockouts during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of a pharmacy in Riau, Indonesia

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    This paper studies on proposed inventory policy at a well-known pharmacy in Riau Province, Indonesia. Pharmacy X often experiences stockouts, especially during the critical period of the COVID-19 pandemic. These stockouts lead to lost sales. The Q and P inventory models are used to determine the optimal order quantity and order period using several simulation scenarios. Storage capacity and the ability of suppliers to supply drugs are constraints in this study. However, only 7 SKUs that often run out will be examined. The purpose of this paper is to minimize the shortage level of the SKUs using a parameter of shortage costs. After simulation, it was proven there was a decrease in the shortage costs in each SKU compared to the actual state. The reduction reached 23% - 74%


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    Transportation plays some important roles in supply chain management. It contributes significantly towards a business performance. Therefore, a company needs to plan its transportation system. A good transportation planning is able to lead in either efficiency or responsiveness. This paper addresses to build a mathematical model of determination of supplier contracts in a transportation problem. In this case, a company already selected a supplier partnership or, in other words, third-party logistics (3PLs) who provides trucks to be rented. The 3PLs also offers three options of contracts to the company, and the company should sign which contracts that can minimize rental costs and meet the company’s demands. This model is a linear-programming model. Using a numerical example, the problem is solved with LINGO

    Mathematical Modelling Using Integer Linear Programming In A Truck Rental Problem

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    Mathematics is not only about theory, but also talks about the real applications. Nowadays, mathematics is applied to solve problems in physics, economics, biology, engineering, business industries, and many more. This paper discusses a problem using mathematical modelling in one of the industrial optimisation problems, a transportation problem. However, this paper is different from other papers. Instead of solving the kind of demand-supply cases (between sources and destinations), which mostly papers discuss, this case talks about a truck rental problem, which demand-supply activities happen between sources and sources. Here, there are eight truck rentals in some areas. The problem is extracted into mathematical equations producing the objective function and some constrains. The objective function is to minimise the total transportation cost whereas the number of trucks available and the number of trucks required is the constraints. In this problem, the integer linear programming model is used to obtain an optimum solution to determine the number of trucks moved from one truck rental to another truck rental

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Digital Sebagai Media Iinformasi Gereja Santo Petrus Warak

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    Gereja dapat diartikan dalam dua hal, yaitu sebagai tempat beribadah umat Kristen dan juga suatu badan yang mengelola kegiatan-kegiatan umat Kristen, baik yang bersifat liturgis atau non-liturgis. Demikian pula dengan Gereja Santo Petrus Warak yang selalu mengagendakan kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut. Sejauh ini, Gereja tidak banyak memberitakan kegiatan atau perkembangan yang ada di Gereja karena beberapa keterbatasan, seperti media dan sumber daya. Akibatnya, banyak umat tidak tahu perkembangan gereja. Media yang sering digunakan Gereja untuk mendistribusikan informasi kegiatan adalah pengumuman, teks misa, tabloid, buletin, dan majalah Gereja. Kelemahan media ini adalah informasi terpisah-pisah sehingga dokumentasi kegiatan Gereja tidak terpusat. Hal itu dikarenakan proses pemberitaan dilakukan oleh banyak orang dan data tidak terpusat di Gereja. Melihat permasalahan tersebut, dibuatlah website yang dapat digunakan untuk menyebarkan informasi kepada umat Gereja. Pengurus Gereja dapat menginformasikan profil Gereja, kegiatan-kegiatan apa saja yang akan dilakukan di Gereja, dan formulir-formulir yang diperlukan untuk administrasi Gereja. Selain itu, website ini memungkinkan umat untuk berpartisipasi mengirimkan berita tentang kegiatan liturgis atau non-liturgis di wilayah masing-masing. Pembuatan fitur website ini bertujuan untuk menjawab tantangan terbatasnya sumber daya manusia untuk mengunggah berita secara berkala

    Fuzzy AHP – DEMATEL Methods To Investigate Passengers’ Decision Factors On Using Public City Bus In An Indonesian Region

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    An advanced public transportation system becomes an indicator for a country. Accordingly, it is essential that the decision-makers (DMs) conduct an initial study based on passengers’ view in order to improve the public transportation services. Since involving multi factors, the problem is often solved using the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approaches. This study aims to examine significant factors on passengers decision making to use public transportation using Fuzzy AHP and DEMATEL. The Fuzzy AHP method is proposed to determine criteria weights so that significant critera are obtained, then the causal relations including the criteria are visualized using DEMATEL. This study demonstrates the integration of the two MCDM methods in a BRT system in the region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and invites passengers and the DMs. The result indicated that 21 criteria are identified, while the 11 significant criteria are selected based on the Fuzzy AHP weight – α-cut screening. Besides, the DEMATEL has succeeded in describing the influence relationship for the criteria, where firstly, the significant criteria are classified into cause and effect group and secondly, the two criteria, namely coverage to strategic points and on time arrival, should be put on the top priority list. This study enables the DMs to solve public transportation problems more effectively. However, the follow-up study should be carried out by including other factors such as economic and sustainability to strengthen the decision-making process